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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Katherine Ann: Two Months

My Dearest Katherine Ann,

Today you are two months old!  I can't believe the time has come and gone so quicklyYour daddy and I feel like you are changing each and every day!  And we love learning more about your personality.

Our favorite changes this month are your smiles and all the different faces you make.  Oh, how we love your smiles!  You are such a happy baby and our hearts soar when we make you smile!  In the morning, you hang out in your swing while I get ready for the day, and I love the way your cute baby noises fill up our little apartment as you talk and talk

We love watching your little arms stretch above your head in the Super Baby position We love the sweet way your eyes light up as you begin to notice more things around you. We love the way your hands have started reaching out for your toys. We love your cute little sneezes in groups of three and the smile that always follows. We love the way your hair is getting longer and continues to stick straight up. We love waking you up from naps and seeing your happy face when you recognize us. Precious girl, we truly just love everything about you!!

This month has given us the opportunity to start settling into a routine.  You still love your sleep and only wake up once around 4 or 5 in the morning...thank you!!  And you seem to thrive off our daily routine of eat, play, sleep...and repeat every 3 hours until it's time for bed. We still like to take our daily walks and you are my little buddy when it comes to running errands :)


We have so many new favorite moments with you this month.  You love your play yard and your smile lights up your face every morning when I lay you down to play.  It is like you realize all your friends are still here and you can't wait to play with Lion, Giraffe, Monkey, and Blue Elephant :)  Your new favorite friend is your singing Lamb.  We call her Lamby.  You love reaching out for her and feeling her softness.  We sing her song 'Jesus Loves Me' all day long!  You are also making friends with many objects around the house including the doorknob!  You can stare at it for minutes on end (we will not enter a staring contest with you!)  Your new favorite nighttime activity is the bath.  We have started putting your baby tub in the big tub and you LOVE it!  I can't wait until you can start splashing and playing in the water.  Your daddy's new favorite activity is waking you up from your nap for snuggles and play time. It truly melts my heart!

You have been very busy this month. You got to meet your Grandpa Walker and his wife, and you got to meet your Uncle, Auntie, and little cousin. It was so sweet to see them love on you and soak up your cuteness. Your Grandma and Grandpa Kreger also got to spend some much needed cuddle time with you. 

We also celebrated big moments together including your dedication, daddy's graduation, and Mother's Day.  Each one of these events were special for their own reasons and it was such a joy to share them with you!  Dedicating you to the Lord was truly humbling for your daddy and me.  We pray for your heart to belong to Jesus.  And to celebrate this day on my first Mother's Day with you is something I will never forget.  You may have slept through all of the events, but we took lots of pictures to show you one day :) 

You are wearing the same dress your Grandma Kreger made for my dedication 27 years ago and using the same blanket your Great Aunt Linda made for me 27 years ago :)

Katherine Ann, there are no words to describe how much we love you and the amount of joy you bring to our lives!  We are so blessed to be your parents and truly enjoy every moment we get to spend with you.  You make us laugh and smile each day.  Each night as your daddy and I pray over you, we thank God for the precious gift you are to our family.  Thank you for giving us a new definition of what it means to love someone.  We love you!