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Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Favorites: 25 Week Baby Bump, Plan to Eat, and More!

Friday is back, and I am excited to share some of my favorite things from the past couple of weeks! 

 We celebrated 25 weeks with Baby Brother on Sunday! I feel like the first 25 weeks have gone incredibly fast, and I know the weeks leading up to Christmas will fly by as well. Once we hit January, I start appointments every 2 weeks!! I am trying to cherish these precious weeks of carrying Baby Brother, while making the most of our last couple of months as a family of 3! 

This is one of my new favorite websites! Please let me introduce you to! Whether you like to meal plan or not, this website makes if fun and easy. It has 3 main tools to use: recipes, planner, and shopping list. The recipe portion is amazing! You simply download the Plan to Eat recipe button on your dashboard, and you can import any online recipe (most of mine are hanging out on a pinterest board) in seconds into your recipe bank! It is so simple and amazingly fast to use! I created a bank of 10 different recipes within minutes. 

After you have your recipes imported, you can use the menu planner to drag and drop your desired recipes for the week or month. 

Finally, there is this wonderful section called shopping list, and it creates a shopping list for you based on the ingredients needed to complete your meals for the week! And the list is organized by produce/dairy/grains/etc. Amazing!!! I had to make a few quick edits for staple ingredients I didn't need to buy, but it is super simple to add or delete items from your list. I like to print my list because I am old school that way and prefer the good old paper/pen method, but you can also access your list  on your phone. 
 The website is having an after Thanksgivings sale, and you can get a membership for 50% off making it just $19.99 for the whole year. The sale runs from November 27th-30th. Also, they offer a 30-day free trial so you can try out the website before buying! 

I know I am probably late on the bandwagon for this one, but I am loving Jen Hatmaker's new book For the Love. I love the subtitle: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards. She provides practical and hilarious wisdom about parenting, marriage, friendship, community, church, school, Pinterest, Netflix, and so much more! I highly recommend this book being added to your Christmas list :)


I know it is early, but we are decorating for Christmas this weekend and I am overly excited! I have been listening to Chris Tomlin's new album Adore to help prepare. Spotify has it available, so you can listen to it for free :) 


Isaiah 26:3

Thank you Lord for your perfect peace! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Beaver's Bend State Park

Last weekend we took our 4th trip to Beaver's Bend State Park in Oklahoma. Only 3 hours from Dallas, this place has become the perfect weekend getaway for our little family. We went the first time in 2012, and we have been back every year since. I love seeing these pictures side-by-side. Our little baby is growing up!

 One of our favorite things to do while camping is hiking. Katie was not a fan of the hiking backpack, but thankfully she was a fan of the actual hiking! So she hiked right along with us as we ventured out on 2 trails. She is becoming more of a nature girl all the time.

We also learned many things on this trip:

1. Toddlers are not always a fan of your goal to get family Christmas card pictures taken! Katie was much more interested in running around and finding fish in the lake...and who can blame her?! We did manage to get one Christmas card worthy family picture :)

2. Sitting by the campfire no longer really involves relaxing and sitting. It is more of an active event now with the primary goal of keeping your child from touching the fire!

We made so many fun memories this weekend, and I love sharing them with my little family. They hold my heart!!

Now I will let the pictures do the talking! 

Sometimes you get tired of hiking and daddy needs to carry you :)

These two are best buddies!!!
Break Time! 


Love everything about this face!!!

She absolutely loved sitting on this log! 

Have a great Thursday!!